November 22, 2010
HKBIO sponsored Savantas Policy Institute's Hong Kong Innovation Project - a large-scale, cross-sectoral study aimed at exploring Hong Kong's potential for innovation in technology. Basing on the research findings of the project, the book Innovation Policy and the Limits of Laissez-Faire is compiled. On Nov 22, Prof. LO Yuk Lam, Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization, and Mrs Regina IP, Chairperson of Savantas, together with other sponsors of the Hong Kong Innovation Project, presented the book to Mr John TSANG, Financial Secretary. We hope that the government will, taking account of the research findings, consider breaking away from the laissez-faire tradition and setting up a technology bureau to devise a comprehensive strategy for fostering advancement and commercialization of knowledge. For more details please visit this page.
Read more: HKBIO Sponsored Savantas Policy Institute's Innovation Project and Presented to the Financial...