Agenda - Hong Kong Biotechnology Horizons
English 英文

Hong Kong Biotech Horizon 2017
“Global Congress on Biotechnology: Diagnostics and Therapeutics”


Venue: Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park

(English / Mandarin simultaneous translation provided 英语 / 国语同声传译)

Please click here to download the programme

Day 1 - 22 November 2017, Wednesday

Afternoon 下午


Registration 注册


Opening Ceremony 开幕式

Opening Speech 开幕报告


Fanny Chiu-Fun Law Fan 罗范椒芬

Topic: Hong Kong - The Biotechnology Innovation Hub in the Greater Bay Area

题目: 香港 — 粤港澳大湾区的生物科技创新枢纽

HKSAR Deputy, National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China 现任香港特别行政区全国人大代表
Member, the HKSAR Executive Council 香港特别行政区行政会议成员
Chairperson, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation 香港科技园公司董事会主席
Special Advisor, the China-US Exchange Foundation 中美交流基金会特别顾问
Former Administrative Officer, HKSAR 前香港政府政务官


Kwok-Fai So 苏国辉

Topic: Exercise, Adiponectin and Brain Health

题目: 运动、脂联素和脑健康

Member, the Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院院士
Chair Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, and Jessie Ho Professor in Neuroscience, The University of Hong Kong(HKU)香港大学医学院教授、神经科学研究中心主任
Director, GHM Institute of CNS Regeneration at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China 暨南大学粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院院长
Co-Chairman, the Board of Director of the China Spinal Cord Injury Network 中国脊髓损伤研究协作组董事会联席主席
Honorary Director, the State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at HKU 脑与认知科学国家重点实验室名誉院长
Editor-in-Chief, Neural Regeneration Research 中国神经再生研究(英文版)主编


Lin He 贺林

Topic: Genetic Counselling in China

题目: 中国的遗传咨询

Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 中国科学院院士
Academician, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) 发展中国家世界科学院院士
Director, Bio-X Center of Life Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China 上海交通大学教授, Bio-X 中心主任
Director, Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, China 复旦大学生物医学研究院院长
Director, Human Neuropsychiatric Genetics Group (NHGG) of SJTU and CAS, China 上海生命科学研究院营养科学研究所神经精神病学实验室主任教授


Evening Reception 欢迎招待会


Day 2 - 23 November 2017, Thursday

Morning 上午


Registration 注册


Alex Man-Tat Ng 吴文达

Topic: Innovations for Global Health - Problem Solving for the Poor

题目: 全球卫生革新 — 为贫困患者解难

Deputy Director, China Country Office, Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation 比尔及梅琳达 • 盖茨基金会北京办事处副主任
Honorary Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong 香港大学公共卫生学院名誉助理教授
Council Member, Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health 香港吸烟与健康委员会委员

Symposium - Modernizing Chinese Medicine - From Basic Research to Applications 中医药:从基础研究到应用

Chair: Christopher Hon-Ki Cheng 郑汉其 / Co-Chair: Karl Wah-Keung Tsim 詹华强


Karl Wah-Keung Tsim 詹华强

Topic: Old and New Perspectives of Chinese Medicine in Brain Health

题目: 古今中药在脑健康中的应用

Chair Professor, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大学生命科学部讲座教授
Director, Center for Chinese Medicine R&D, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大学中药研发中心主任


Zhi-Xiu Lin 林志秀

Topic: Development of a Health Product from Chinese Medicine Gou-Teng for Cognitive Impairment

题目: 一种用于认知障碍的保健品 — 源于中药钩藤的产品开发

Associate Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学中医学院副教授
Director, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中西医结合医学研究所主任
Member, The Chinese Medicines Industry Subcommittee, Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Development Committee 香港中医药发展委员会中药业小组委员


Simon Ming-Yuen Lee 李銘源

Topic: Translating Fructus Aplinia Oxyphylla into New Drugs and Food Supplements for Aging Associated Diseases

题目: 将益智仁开发为老龄化相关疾病的新药与食品补充剂

Professor, Institute of Chinese Medicine Sciences, University of Macau, Macau 澳门大学中华医药研究院教授


Christopher Hon-Ki Cheng 郑汉其

Topic: Good Manufacture Practice in the TCM Industry

题目: 中药业的优良制药规范

Research Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学生物医学学院教授
Managing Director, Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology 香港生物科技研究院院长
Director, CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute 香港中文大学深圳研究院院长


Jessica Yuet-Ling Ching 程月玲

Topic: Good Research Practice in Chinese Medicine Clinical Research

题目: 优质中医药临床试验 — 良好临床研究规范

Chief Nursing Officer (Research), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK 香港中文大学医学院内科及药物治疗学系总护士长
Convener (R&D), Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, CUHK 香港中文大学香港中西医结合医学研究所,研究及发展组召集人
Clinical Research Manager, Institute of Digestive Disease, CUHK 香港中文大学消化疾病研究所临床研究经理


Q&A Session 问答环节


Coffee Break 茶歇

Afternoon 下午

Lunch Lecture 午餐讲座

Chair: Danny Wei-Jie Chen 陈伟杰


Danny Wei-Jie Chen 陈伟杰

Director, Venture Bluestone Limited


Connie Kwok 郭秀娟

Topic: NAMI’s Engineered Biomaterials for Targeted Delivery

题目: 用于针对性传递的工程生物材料

Director of Research and Development (Healthcare), Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited 纳米及先进材料研发院有限公司研究发展总监(保健)


Jing Wang 王晶

Topic: Advancement in National Biometrology and Standards

题目: 国家生物计量和标准的提升

Deputy Director, Division of Medical and Biological Measurement, National Institute of Metrology (NIM) 中国计量科学研究院医学与生物计量研究所副所长
Co-chair, Quality Group in Microbial Measurements Steering Group (MBSG) 生物定量工作组联合主席
Secretary-General, The National Technical Committee of Biometeorology (NTCB) 全国生物计量技术委员会秘书长


Xue-Yong Wang 王学勇

Topic: Anti-diabetic Mechanism of Resistant Starch Revealed by Metabonomics and Intestinal Microbiota Analysis

题目: 基于代谢组学及肠道菌群分析的抗性淀粉RS抗糖尿病作用机制研究

Professor, PhD Supervisor, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine 北京中医药大学教授,博士研究生导师

Infectious Disease 传染疾病


Chang-Wen Ke 柯昌文

Topic: Challenges Facing Infectious Disease Prevention and Control in Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area Today

题目: 粤港澳大湾区传染病防控的现状和挑战

Chairman and Chief Specialist, Institute of Pathogenic Microbiology, Guangdong Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 广东省疾病预防控制中心病原微生物检验所所长及首席专家

Precision Diagnostics and Therapeutics 精准诊断与治疗

Chair: Michael Meng-Su Yang 杨梦甦 / Co-Chair: Joseph Wing-On Tam 谭荣安


Michael Meng-Su Yang 杨梦甦

Topic: Study Cancer Cell Heterogeneity and Metastasis on a Chip

题目: 芯片上研究癌细胞的异质性和转移

Head of Department of Biomedical Sciences; Chair Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大学生物医学系主任及讲座教授


Joseph Wing-On Tam 谭荣安

Topic: The Elements for Success in Molecular Diagnostic Platform Technology - A Personal Experience and Perspective

题目: 分子诊断平台技术的成功要素 — 个人经验和观点

Chairman, DiagCor Bioscience 达雅高生物科技有限公司主席


Dan-Yi Wen 闻丹忆

Topic: Precision Medicine with Functional Diagnostics (PDX, CR Micro Tumour and Organoid)

题目: 针对功能性诊断的精准医疗 (肿瘤移植模型、微肿瘤的完全缓解及细胞团)

President and CEO, Shanghai LIDE Biotech., Co. Ltd 上海立迪生物技术股份有限公司董事长兼执行总裁


Nick Ya-Fei Zhang 张亚飞

Topic: Biomarker and Companion Diagnostics in Precision Medicine

题目: 精准医疗中的生物标志物和伴随诊断

Chairman and CEO, QIAGEN (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Co. Ltd. 凯杰(苏州)转化医学研究有限公司董事长及总裁


Rossa Wai-Kwun Chiu 赵慧君

Topic: Screening and Identification of Early Cancers - Is It Achievable?

题目: 早期癌症的筛查与确诊 — 可实现吗?

Choh-Ming Li Professor, Chemical Pathology 卓敏化学病理学教授
Assistant Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学医学院研究 - 助理院長


Xue-Jun Song 宋学军

Topic: Wnt Signaling - A New Target for Treating Neuropathic and Cancer Pain

题目: Wnt信号通路 — 治疗神经病理性疼痛和癌症疼痛的新靶点

Professor, Neurobiology, Anesthesiology, and Oncology 南方科技大学教授
Director, SUSTech Center for Pain Medicine, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen 南方科技大学疼痛医学中心主任


Q&A Session 问答环节


Coffee Break 茶歇

Biotechnology in Drug Discovery 生物科技药物研发

Chair: Pei-Yuan Qian 钱培元 / Co-Chair: Sandy Kwan-Yuk Kwok 郭均钰


Pei-Yuan Qian 钱培元

Topic: Genome-mining Based Drug Lead Discovery

题目: 基于基因组的药物先导开发

David von Hansemann Professor of Science, Division of Life Science;
Chair Professor, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大学戴维冯汉泽曼科学教授及生命科学部讲座教授


Ming-Chu Hsu 许明珠

Topic: TaiGen Biotechnology - A New Drug R&D Company

题目: 太景生物科技 — 新崛起的药物研发企业

Founder, Chairman & CEO, TaiGen Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 太景生物科技创办人、董事长暨执行长


Peng Li 李鹏

Topic: Toll-like Receptor 2 Co-stimulation Potentiates the Antitumor Efficacy of CAR-T Cells

题目: 类鐸受体2 共同刺激下可增強嵌合抗原受体T細胞的抗癌作用


Principal Investigator, Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院首席研究员


Jennifer Wai-Chun Lo 卢惠珍

Topic: Granzyme B-Like Peptide, Liquid Biopsy, and Novel Anti-Cancer Therapy

题目: B肽颗粒酶、液体活检以及新的抗癌疗法

CEO and President, BioJENC LLC 行政总裁


Lin-Xian Li 李林鲜

Topic: The Development of Lipid Nanoparticles for RNA Therapeutics

题目: 脂质纳米粒在核酸药物中应用进展

Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institutet


Q&A Session 问答环节

Evening 晚上


Dinner Break 晚休

Workshop (Supported by Hong Kong Medical & Healthcare Device Industries Association Limited [HKMHDIA])

工作坊 (由香港医疗及保健器材行业协会支持)

Chair: Kevin Orr 柯家洋


Kevin Orr 柯家洋

Vice President and CIO, Winner Medical Group 稳健医疗集团 副总裁兼首席投资官
Treasurer and Chairman of Product & Technology Panel, Hong Kong Medical & Healthcare Device Industries Association 香港医疗及保健器材行业协会司库兼产品科技委员会主席


Ru-Yi He 何如意

Topic: Tips to Successfully Complete Your CFDA Applications

题目: 国家食品药品监督管理总局 申请通关秘籍

Chief Scientist, Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE), China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) 中国食品药品监督管理总局审评中心 首席科学家


Lan Zhang 张兰

Topic: Bioequivalece in Generic drug application and re-evaluation in China

题目: 生物等效性试验在中国仿制药一致性评价中的作用及经验分享

Director of Dept. Pharmacology and Deputy President of State Clinical Trail Center, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University 首都医科大学宣武医院药物研究室主任


Day 3 - 24 November 2017, Friday

Morning 上午


Registration 注册


Guo-Liang Yu 余国良

Topic: Towards a Cure for Cancer

题目: 迈向癌症治愈之路

Chairman of the Board, Crown Biosciences Inc 中美冠科生物技術有限公司董事长


Benny Chung-Ying Zee 徐仲锳

Topic: The Role of Big Data, Analytic Machine Learning and AI in Clinical Trials

题目: 大数据、分析机器学习和人工智能在临床试验中的作用

Assistant Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学医学院助理院长(研究)
Head, Graduate Division of Public Health 公共卫生学院生物统计学教授
Director, Centre for Clinical Research and Biostatistics 临床研究及生物统计中心中心主任
Honorary Professor, Department of Clinical Oncology and the Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学临床肿瘤学和统计系名誉委任教授
Chair, Joint CUHK-NTEC Clinical Research Ethics Committee 香港中文大学及医管局新界东联网临床研究伦理委员会主席


Herbert Chia 车品觉

Topic: The Nature and Future of Big Data

题目: 大数据的本质与未来

Venture Partner, Sequoia Capital China 红杉资本中国基金专家合伙人
Former Vice president, Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. 阿里巴巴集团前副总裁


Ya-Jun Guo 郭亚军

Topic: R&D and Industrialization of Antibody Drug

题目: 抗体药物研发和产业化

CEO, Mabtech Holdings (HK) Ltd 迈博太科 ( 香港 ) 控股有限公司行政總裁
Principal Scientist, 973 Program, Antibody Project国家973计划抗体项目首席科学家
Director, State Key Laboratory of Antibody-Drug and Targeted Therapy, China中国抗体药物和靶向治疗国家重点实验室主任
Director, National Engineering Research Center for Antibody Medicine, China中国抗体药物国家工程研究中心主任
Professor, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, USA美国加利福尼亚大学西德尼肿瘤中心 教授
Professor, Cancer Center, School of Medicine, University of Nebraska, USA 美国内布拉斯加州立大学医学院肿瘤中心教授


Coffee Break 茶歇

Panel - Accelerating HK Industry-Academia-Research in Translation (Organized by Hong Kong Industry University Research Collaboration Association)

座谈会 — 加速香港产学研转化 (由香港產學研合作促進會协办)


1st Panel: The Biotech Incubation in Universities 大学之生物科技培育

Chair: Thomas Cheung 张俊勇


Thomas Cheung 张俊勇

Founder, Chinagrowth Group Limited


Hailson Yu 余梓山

Deputy Director, Technology Transfer Office, University of Hong Kong 香港大学技术转移处的副处长


Alfred Tan 陈庆忠

Head, Knowledge Transfer Office, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸会大学知识转移处主管


Kenneth Chan 陈炜国

President of eHealth Consortium (eHC) 电子健康联盟主席


2nd Panel: The Industrial Opportunities for Biotech 生物科技的产业机会

Chair: Samson Wai-Ho Tam 谭伟豪


Samson Wai-Ho Tam 谭伟豪

Chairman, Group Sense Limited 权智有限公司主席


Jonathan Swee-Fu Chee 朱瑞富

Formerly Chief Investment Officer, Eagle Ride Investment 鹰力投资控股有限公司前投资总监


Tony Chen 陈业裕

Business Development Director, Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform 业务发展总监, 香港X科技创业平台


Eric Chen 陈子翔

Founder & Chief Commercial Officer, Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited 水中银(国际)生物有限公司创办人及首席商务官


Panel - Intellectual Property Protection In Life Science

座谈会 — 生命科学的知识产权保护

Chair: Jacqueline Lui 吕许昭棠


Jacqueline Lui 吕许昭棠

President, The Hong Kong Institute of Patent Practitioners Limited (HIPP) 香港专利代理人公会会长
President, Eagle IP 鹰翅知产有限公司总裁
Member, the Working Group under the Advisory Committee on Review of the Patent System in Hong Kong, Commerce and Economic Development, the Government of Hong Kong SAR 商务及经济发展局辖下香港专利制度检讨咨询委员会工作小组成员
Member,the Asian Practice Committee of the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) 知识产权拥有人协会亚洲业务委员会成员
Former Member, the Steering Committee on Innovation and Technology of the Government of Hong Kong SAR 香港创新及科技督导委员会前成员


Kam-Wah Law 罗金华

Partner, Squire Patton Boggs


Lewis Wai-Hong Ho 何伟康

Partner, Loeb & Loeb 乐博律师事务所合伙人


Andrew Cobden 安德鲁.科布登

Counsel, Hogan Lovells

Afternoon 下午


Lunch Break 午休


Yu-Lin Deng 邓玉林

Topic: The Payload Technology for Space Biomedical Research on the Tianzhou - 1 Spacecraft

题目: 空间微流控芯片生物医学实验技术及航天飞行搭载

Academician and Vice President, Department of Life Sciences, International Academy of Astronautics 国际宇航科学院院士兼生命科学部副主席
Dean and Professor, School of Life Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology 北京理工大学生命学院教授
Director, Beijing Key Laboratory of Bio-Separation and Bio-Analysis in Biomedicine and Pharmaceuticals生物医药分离分析北京市重点实验室主任
Chairman, Life Electronics of Chinese Institute of Electronics中国电子学会生命电子学分会主任委员
Councilor, Institute of Complex Medical Engineering (ICME) 国际复合医学工程学会(ICME)理事
Member, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Chinese National Committee国际空间研究委员会COSPAR中国委员会委员
Vice Chairman, China Association of Medical Equipment Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Equipment Technology Expert Committee中国医学装备协会现场快速检测(POCT)装备技术专业委员会副理事长
Vice Chairman, Chinese Society of Astronautics, Aerospace Medical Engineering and Biology Branch中国宇航学会航天医学工程与生物学分会副主任委员


Bernard Roizman 伯纳德•罗兹曼

Topic: The Evolution of Herpes Simplex Viruses as Oncolytic Agents

题目: 单纯疱疹病毒作为溶瘤细胞制剂的演化

Honorary Chairman, Shenzhen International Institute for Biomedical Research (SIIBR) 深圳罗兹曼国际转化医学研究院荣誉院长
Professor, Chicago University, USA美国芝加哥大学资深教授
Academician, Academy of Sciences, Medical College and Inventor Academy of Sciences, USA美国科学院、医学院、发明家学院三院院士
Foreign Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering中国科学院工程院外籍院士
“Father of Herpes Virus”, world-authority figure in Oncolytic Herpes Virus国际病毒领域泰斗-“疱疹病毒之父” •溶瘤疱疹病毒世界权威

Symposium - Cancer Immunotherapy
(Sponsored by Shenzhen International Institute for Biomedical Research [SIIBR])


Shenzhen International Institute for Biomedical Research (SIIBR), established since January 2015, is led by Professor Benard Roizman. The research focus of SIIBR is in cancer and acute and chronic microbial infection.

深圳罗兹曼国际转化医学研究院(The Shenzhen International Institute for Biomedical Research, SIIBR)于2015年1月注册成立,研究院由伯纳德•罗兹曼(Bernard•Roizman)教授领衔。 研究院以肿瘤和急慢性微生物感染治疗为重点研究领域。

Chair: Grace Guo-Ying Zhou 周国瑛


Grace Guo-Ying Zhou 周国瑛

Director, Shenzhen International Institute of Biomedical Research, China 深圳罗兹曼国际转化医学研究院院长
Ph.D. Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院上海生物化学研究所博士
CEO, ImmVira Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, China 深圳市亦诺微医药有限公司首席执行官
Director, Institute of Genome and Drug Quality, Beijing Institute of Biotechnology Industry 北京亦创生物技术产业研究院基因药物质量研究所所长
Distinguished Professor, State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, Guangzhou Medical University 广州医科大学呼吸病国家重点实验室特聘教授
Former Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Chicago, USA 前美国芝加哥大学微生物系副教授


Xiao-Yan Dong 董小岩

Topic: Overview of Viral Vectors Used for Gene Therapy

题目: 用于基因治疗的病毒载体概述

Founder, Beijing FivePlus Molecular Medicine Institute Co. Ltd.(5+MMI)  北京五加和分子医学研究所有限公司创始人
Director, Department of Molecular Medicine, Beijing Institute of Biotechnology Industry 北京亦创生物技术产业研究院分子医学研究所所长
Zhongguancun Park Leading Talent ”中关村领军人才”
Beijing E-Town Talents, Innovative and Entrepreneur Talents Project “新创工程•亦麒麟领军人才”


Yi-Jing He 贺毅憬

Topic: Cancer Immunotherapy - Challenges and Solutions of Companion Diagnostics

题目: 癌症免疫治疗 — 伴隨式診斷的挑战和解决方案

Associate Professor, Moffitt Cancer Center, USA 美国墨菲特癌症中心副教授
Chairman, Shenzhen INDA Biotechnology Co. Ltd. 深圳因答生物科技有限公司 董事长


Xiao Shen 沈潇

Topic: Next Generation Animal Cell Culture Bioreactor for Scalable Recombinant Protein Expression

题目: 用于可扩展重组蛋白表达的下一代动物细胞培养生物反应器

Founder, Chairman, Cantonbio Ltd, Guangzhou 广州汉腾生物科技有限公司创始人董事长
Member, European Animal Cell Engineering Association and the Asian Animal Cell Engineering Association 欧洲动物细胞工程协会及亚洲动物细胞工程协会会员


Coffee Break 茶歇


Chun-Lin Chen 陈春麟

Topic: Strategies and Concerns for the Preclinical Assessment and Submission of Drugs that meet dual compliants of US FDA and Chinese FDA

题目: 符合中美FDA双报要求的药物临床前评估及申报的策略和关注点

CEO, Shanghai Medicilon Inc. 上海美迪西生物医药股份有限公司首席执行官


James Cai 蔡学钧

Topic: A New Era of Biopharma in China - New Opportunity and Challenges in MRCT

题目: 中国生物制药新时代 — MRCT新机遇与挑战

VP global regulatory affairs, Australia, China, Japan and Asia. Amgen 安进全球药政事务副总裁,澳大利亚,中国,日本及亚洲


Da-Jie Tang 汤大杰

Topic: Biomedical Investment - Our Logic and Method

题目: 生物医药投资 — 我们的逻辑和做法

Founding Partner, Triwise Capital Management Ltd., Shenzhen 深圳前海勤智国际资本管理有限公司创始合伙人总裁
Executive Vice President, Shenzhen Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Promotion Association 深圳市科技创业促进会常务副理事长
Adjunct Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economic, Guangdong University of Finance & Economic, Shenzhen Audencia Business School, Xidian University, China University of Mining and Technology 西南财经大学、广东财经大学、深圳南特商学 院、西安电子科技大学,中国矿业大学兼职教授


Q&A Session 问答环节

Evening 晚上


Gala Dinner cum GuangDong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area Biotechnology Alliance Inauguration Ceremony 晚宴暨粤港澳大湾区生物科技联盟成立仪式


Day 4 - 25 November 2017, Saturday

Morning 上午


Registration 注册


Elaine Young 楊綺鈴

Topic: Biotechnology as Culture: The Public Voices of Medical Data and Images in Fashion, Art and Design

题目: 质谱分析在生物医药标准化和质量控制中的作用


Bio-Metrology, Standardization and Certification
(Supported by Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification [HKCTC])


Chair: Albert Cheung-Hoi Yu 于常海


Albert Cheung-Hoi Yu 于常海

Congress President 大会主席
Chairman, Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization 香港生物科技协会 主席
Chairman, Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification 香港检测和认证局 主席
Chairman, HK20 香港20 主席
Vice Director, Neuroscience Research Institute of Peking University 北京大学神经科学研究所 副所长


Jun Wheeler 徐钧·惠勒

Topic: The Role of Mass Spectrometry in Standardisation and Quality Control of Biological Medicines

题目: 质谱分析在生物医药标准化和质量控制中的作用

Principal Scientist, Head of Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry, National Institute for Biological Standard and Control (NIBSC) 英国国家生物制品检定所( NIBSC )蛋白质组学和质谱首席科学家


Ella Lai-Ming Wong 黄礼明

Topic: Recent Status of Bio-metrology in the Government Laboratory

题目: 香港政府化验所生物计量学的近况

Chemist (Pharmaceutical Chemistry Sec), Government Laboratory, HKSAR 香港政府化验所化验师(药剂化验组)


Q&A Session 问答环节


Coffee Break 茶歇

Advanced Diagnostics and Medical Devices 高级诊断及医疗设备

Chair: Ken Kin-Lam Yung 翁建霖 / Co-Chair: Martha Hao 郝梅凤


Neil Roberts 尼爾·羅伯茲

Topic: New Developments in Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE)

题目: 磁共振弹性成像技术的新发展

Chair of Medical Physics and Imaging Science, Edinburgh Imaging facility, The Queen's Medical Research Institute (QMRI), University of Edinburgh 英國爱丁堡大学女王醫學研究所 爱丁堡成像设施 医学物理与影像科学系主任


Chun-Hua Zhang 张春花

Topic: Application of Mass Spectrometry in IEM Screening and Diagnosis

题目: 质谱在IEM筛查诊断中的应用

Director, MILS (Matsumoto Institute of Life Science), Japan 日本松本生命科學研究所 主任
Vice director, NPO Life Science, Japan 日本NOP生命科學 副主任
Researcher, Kanazawa Medical University, Japan 日本金泽医科大学 研究員
Visiting professor, Capital Institute of Pediatrics Beijing, China 中國首都儿科研究所 客座教授
Visiting professor, Haikou People Hospital Haikou 中國海口市海口人民医院 客座教授
Member, editorial board of International Journal of Pediatrics 国际儿科学杂志 編輯委員


Mohammad Safiqul Islam 穆罕默德·萨菲库尔·伊斯兰

Topic: Association of CNTNAP2 Gene Polymorphism with the Bangladeshi Autism Spectrum Disorder Children

题目: CNTNAP2基因多态性与孟加拉自闭症儿童的关系

Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacy, Noakhali Science and Technology University 诺克哈里科技大学药学系教授及主任


Vincent Petit文森特·佩蒂特

Topic: Abnormal Cellular Energetics at the Heart of Diseases - New Concept and New Tools to Improve Diagnosis

题目: 疾病的核心在于细胞能量异常 — 改进诊断的新概念和新工具

CEO, METAFORA biosystems 麦塔弗亚生物系统公司 行政总裁


Ricky Yin-To Chiu 招彦焘

Topic: Enabling Chairside Caries Prediction and Prevention - Novel Diagnostic and Treatment Developed by Bioengineers

题目: 实现牙医椅旁的龋齿预测和预防 — 由生物工程师研发的新兴诊断与治疗

CEO, Phase Scientific International Ltd. 相达生物科技国际有限公司 行政总裁


Wing-Keung Lau 刘永强

Topic: 3D Stem Cell Expansion Using Polystyrene Scaffolds and Perfusion Bioreactor for Stem Cell Therapy

题目: 由聚苯乙烯支架和灌注生物反应器造的三维干细胞扩展法用于干细胞治疗

Co-founder and CEO, 3D Biotek 3D Biotek联合创办人, 首席执行官


Winnie Yuet-Sheung Lun 伦月嫦 / Chi Leung

Topic: Making it Easier to Stay Healthy with Saliva Based Testing

题目: 唾液测试保健易

Co-founder, eNano Health Limited 依纳康科技有限公司联合创始人


Ken Kin-Lam Yung 翁建霖

Topic: Neural Stem Cell Harvesting and Culturing Technology for Autologous Cell Therapies for Brain Diseases

题目: 用于脑部疾病自体细胞疗法的神经干细胞采集和培养技术

Professor and Associate Head, Faculty of Science, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸会大学生物系教授


Q&A Session 问答环节


Lunch Break 午休

Business Investment and Pitching 生物科技投资及创投提案

Chair: Dong-Yao Ni 倪東耀


Simon Man-Lung Tsang 曾文龙

Topic: Greater Bay Area and its Business Implication to Hong Kong Technology Industry Including Biomedicines

题目: 大湾区及其对香港科技业包括生物医药的商业影响

Head of Innovation & Technology, InvestHK, Hong Kong SAR 投資推廣署创新及科技行业主管


Daniel Shi 施旦霁

Topic: Early Stage Investment in China

题目: 进入中国市场的投资指南

Founder and CEO, 23Seed 思德投资创办人, 首席执行官


Business Pitching 创投提案


Closing 闭幕式


The Organizer

Founded by pioneering scientists with extensive life science backgrounds and multi-cultural experience in research and development, engineering and business, the vision of the Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization is to establish and facilitate a worldwide platform for the Hong Kong biotech industry, promoting awareness, encouraging and enabling international collaboration and providing informed opinion and technical advice to government bodies, healthcare institutions and the general public.

Established and registered under Cap. 151 of the Societies Ordinance (CP/LIC/SO/19/57868), HK20 are dedicated to influencing the Hong Kong society with positive attitude to welcoming the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of HKSAR. We aim to promote participation, to transmit positive energy and to structure a harmonious society through celebrations and events. Our ultimate goal is to constitute the biggest and the most dazzling birthday party by getting every single individual in Hong Kong involved.


Contact Us

Telephone:  +852 2799 7688
Fax:  +852 2111 9762
Email:  info@hkbio.org.hk
Mail:  Units 601-605, 6/F, Biotech Centre One,
9 Science Park West Avenue,
Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin,
New Territories, Hong Kong